For most, the juggling act of life feels quite demanding and if one has a pre-disposition towards anxiety and/or an unusually stressful event unfolding, it’s not uncommon to experience symptoms ranging from a consistent, low grade, uncomfortable buzzing sensation to anxiety attacks. When working with clients who are struggling with anxiety, I assess whether or not the source is organic, environmental or both, and then we create a course of action accordingly. This will likely include building insight into past and present experiences that are influencing one’s anxiety, psycho-education about anxiety, mindfulness and grounding skills, and potential referrals to other providers such as an acupuncturist, craniosacral therapist or a psychiatrist.

Some of the specific struggles I work with are:

  • anxiety existing alongside or masking depression

  • social anxiety

  • an anxious response to certain emotions arising

  • acute anxiety experienced in specific relationships

  • career anxiety

  • anxiety related to saying “no”

  • anxiety attacks

  • anxiety related to grief and loss